Because It's Better To Be Irrational With Me Than Rational With Someone Else


because sometimes it's the likes that attract and not the unlikes

today i had the honor of sitting next to him once again. true honor! (if we want to be more technical, it is him who decided to sit next to me) i was thrilled. so thrilled and excited that i just had to poke his arm. and that's when my thrill died. no, it was murdered. its dead and unexciting soul was left to be ripped apart by the bears and moose of the alaskan soil. yes, alaskan soil, because new yorker soil is not good enough to dump my murdered thrill.

but look at me! i am going off on how my thrill was murdered without giving much information.

so the moment i poked him, he shot me a look full of daggers, "you touch me again, and i'll break your fingers off."

after class, i announced i'm breaking up this dysfunctional friendship i have with him, that the only conversation i will have with him is the one that is called by necessity. moment of silence. then, "it was a pleasure knowing you," he announces.

parting is such a sweet sorrow.

i went my way, he went his way,-which was right behind me.

then hour later i had to meet a student, in my high-tech see-through office. to my excitiment, he was helping his students in his see-through office. and, he was flirting with me the whole time, the whole time. the joy of see-through walls and see-through offices! then i was done, and he wasn't, so i leave, and he waves, and i ignore the wave. so to end this beautiful psychopathic story, he then runs out, "hey, i waved!", smiled gorgeously, and winked at me. i smiled back.

we're back "friends". or something like it.

but the bottom line is: we belong to each other, don't know why, but we do. we're both crazy, but sometimes it's likes that attract not the unlikes. thankyouverymuch.

7:35 p.m. - October 10, 2008


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